Upcoming Hiking

Natural Science Museum, Raliegh, NC

April 18, 2024

When and Where:

Thursday April 18th

Meet in BRW parling lot at 8:15 AM and be prepared to leave for Raleigh at 8:30.

Leaders: Karen & Walt Myers

RSVP: April 10 -limit 24

Hiking Details:

Thursday April 18th

We will be going on an urban walk in Raleigh to tour the Nature Science Museum, the Southeast’s largest natural history museum. This museum is home to dozens of exhibits from coastal to prehistoric North Carolina. There are four floors to explore.

After lunch, we will take a 10-minute drive to Mordecai Historic Park. We have reservations for a one-hour guided tour of the park. The Mordecai Plantation was originally a 1200-acre estate and much of Raleigh is located on land that was part of this plantation. Between 1968 and 1979, historic properties in Raleigh and other areas of the state were moved to Mordecai, including Andrew Johnson’s Birthplace, the Allen Kitchen, Badger-Iredell Law Office, and St. Mark' s Chapel. This gives the park a village-like feel it maintains today.

Please read the “Important Information” included on the website.

Food and Lodging:


We have reservations for lunch at 12:30 in the Daily Planet Café on the first floor of the Nature Research Center.

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